Teachings and Courses
Breathe as Medicine
The BREATHE is the bridge between body and mind! Through a constant discipline of breathing practices, we can experience good health, relaxation, kindness towards ourselves and towards others, creativity, a boost of energy. So often we take for granted this humble yet precious process of breathing, that in the end, it’s free. And it’s always here, simply waiting for us to become aware of it.
In this course, we will learn how to bring full awareness to our breath.
I will share with you 3 breathing techniques that will help you increase your focus, create an stress-free attitude, improve clarity and boost your creativity!
We will meet online, in a safe and intimate space, once a week, for 4 weeks.
This course will start on Monday 25 November. The course offered in Romanian will start at 20:00 (Romanian local time) and the course offered in English will start at 20:30 Madrid time.
Please feel free to email me should you have any question or if you want to be part of this group course - community.
Be kind to your MIND
Metta - loving kindness, from the teachings of the Buddha, opens the door of our heart so that we can experience an ocean of love, of compassion, towards ourselves and everyone around us.
This course might be for you if you are searching for a path towards inner and outer kindness.
A path towards liberation from the judging mind and a practice that will allow you to grow compassion in any given circumstance.
In this course I will share with you the teachings of Metta. One of the 4 Brahmaviharas (the four highest states of consciousness, the four faces of love).
When we rest in loving kindness, we will become radiant, peaceful, loved and protected.
Metta - loving kindness is a medicine for the heart!
I invite you to experience all of it!
This course will start on Wednesday 27 November. The course offered in Romanian will start at 20:00 (Romanian local time) and the course offered in English will start at 20:30 Madrid time.
Please feel free to email me should you have any question or if you want to be part of this group course - communit
The power of Ashtanga Yoga
Ashtanga Yoga is the practice of the MIND.
Through the asanas - the different shapes and postures that our body is taking in the practice, we purify the body to enter and access a different realm of the mind.
“Yogas città vritti nirodhah”
Ashtanga yoga is the practice that will help you develop a steady, equanimous, concentrated mind! And a concentrated mind is the doorway to wellbeing, insight and freedom! This course might be for you if you were always curious about what yoga, ashtanga yoga really is.
Together we will explore the 8 limbs of yoga, the philosophy of yoga and how all of it feels in practice.
Experience freedom, experience YOGA!
Book a Class
Give yourself the opportunity to either experience something new or to go deeper into your practice. Ground yourself into eternal Joy and Bliss, that comes from having a daily practice of yoga and mindfulness.