About me

We’re all in this T O G E T H E R
— Ram Dass

Studies & Work Experience

October 2024 - ongoing | Full Scholarship Alumni for the prestigious program lead by world renowned teachers Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield - Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher Training.

August 2024 - Silent Retreat - The Heart of Mindfulness under the guidance and teachings of Stan Eisenstein.

July 2024 - The Power of Awareness - Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield

May 2024 - 300 hours Yoga Teacher Training (Ashtanga & Hatha) at Adhiroha Yoga School in Rishikesh India

March 2024 - Reiki Practitioner Level II - Anca Botez

February 2024 - Vipassana Meditation Retreat & Training

November 2023 - Reiki Practitioner Level I - Anca Botez

August 2021 - Bhuddist Teaching & Philosophy Ram Dass Academy

November 2022 - 200 hours Yoga Teacher Training - Siddhi Yoga School in Rishikesh India

June 2021 - Chakra Healing Practitioner - the Reiki Guide

March 2014 - Yoga Sat School Bucharest Romania

I also hold a Masters Degree in European Studies and a University Degree in Political Sciences.

I am a certified Trainer of Trainers and in my early 20 I have worked as a Trainer for about 4 years, for a company based in Bucharest Romania. I worked as a Trainer, teaching, guiding trainings in Project Management and Time Management.

Later I took an opportunity to work as a Project Manager for about 6 years, for an NGO also based in Bucharest, Romania.

Since I was a child, I dreamed of doing something that is really meaningful, that can bring more peace, more kindness, a way of living this life without producing more suffering! Something that can offer a kind alternative to hate and judgement!

I dreamed of becoming a teacher!

My early childhood experiences gave me a great opportunity to find this way - the gold in the pain, in the trauma.

I had to learn on my own how to turn the other cheek, how to keep my heart at shelter from abusive bullying and difficult waves of suffering and loss. And this shaped my journey towards a path of healing, self-discovery, learning, towards a life lived with JOY, EASE and GRATITUDE.

Our great master and teacher, Thich Nhath Hanh said “No Mud, no Lotus”.

Most of the times, we fear the mud!

It’s scary, it’s dark, it’s unpredictable and sometimes it feels like it is infinite! Like there is no way out! But truth being told, there is!

I found the way out of the mud, through divine grace and through the love and wisdom of all my teachers.

10 years ago I started to walk on this amazing path of allowing myself to bloom and grow. I have been learning and practicing yoga since 2014, mindfulness and meditation in the Bhuddist tradition since 2020.

I have deep gratitude and respect for all my teachers, that are always here with me, and from whom I never stop learning: Stan Eisenstein, Devin Berry, Sharon Salzberg, Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield, Ram Dass, Pema Chodron, Ajahn Brahm, Thich Nhat Hanh, Kino Macgregor, Swami Sarvapryananda, Ajahn Brahmali.

All of this years of learning and intense practices, made space inside of me for unclenching the fist of wanting things to be different, but to experience the present moment with my heart full of kindness and gratitude.

These are lessons from which I guide and teach further.

What I am offering to you is exactly this space! And the tools and practices that you can start to use to change your life.

I started to teach in 2020 when it was time for me to give back what I have learned. Having the grace to guide people towards their inner sanctuary it’s something truly magical, divine! Since then, I am constantly working with people, teaching yoga classes, pranayama, guided meditations in the buddhist tradition, reiki sessions, laughing yoga therapy, journaling & writing classes.

I have been working with people from all over the world.

Complete beginners, explorers of the realms of yoga and spirituality. Experienced practitioners, yoga teachers, sceptics that found in my smile, in my vibrant energy, a way to give yoga and life, a second chance.

And I am here to empower you, so that you can too experience life in all it’s beauty and glory!

“My life is my message!”

— Mahatma Gandhi